[sv-bc] 12.4.5 Optional argument list - question

From: Bresticker, Shalom <shalom.bresticker_at_.....>
Date: Mon Apr 17 2006 - 01:41:55 PDT
12.4.5 says,

"When a void function or class function method specifies no arguments,
the empty parenthesis, (), following the subroutine name shall be
optional. This is also true for tasks, void functions, and class methods
that require arguments, when all arguments have defaults specified. It
shall be illegal to omit the parenthesis in a directly recursive nonvoid
function method call that is not hierarchically qualified."

This is unclear about nonvoid functions.

The first two sentences specify when parentheses (not 'parenthesis') may
be omitted. Both apply to void functions only. This implies that nonvoid
function calls may never omit the parentheses. 

The last sentence says that parentheses may not be omitted in a nonvoid
function call in a corner case. This implies that they may be omitted in
all other cases.

What is correct?


Shalom Bresticker
Intel Jerusalem LAD DA
+972 2 589-6852
+972 54 721-1033
I don't represent Intel 
Received on Mon Apr 17 01:44:08 2006

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