[sv-bc] Clocking blocks: terminology and clarifications

From: Jonathan Bromley <jonathan.bromley_at_.....>
Date: Fri Aug 04 2006 - 06:59:21 PDT
This query springs from training needs, but I suspect
it may also be useful input to the LRM.

(1) Clocking block variables

We lack a well-defined way of talking about the variables
(signals, nets, whatever) in a clocking block.  Given

  wire Wi, Wo;
  logic Li, Lo;
  clocking cb @(posedge Clk);
    input Wi, Li;
    output Wo, Lo;

we have created "objects" cb.Li, cb.Wo etc.  The LRM
does not seem to offer a generic term for these "objects".
In various places in the text the phrase "clocking block 
variables" is used to describe this notion, but it is
nowhere rigorously defined and its usage appears to be
somewhat arbitrary.  Am I entitled to use the phrase
"clocking block variable", unambiguously and exclusively,
to describe these access points that appear in a clocking?
If so, can I please urge that a definition of that term
be added to the LRM text?  And in any case, may I please
invite everyone to think of a snappier name for it?

(2) Multiple clocking blocks driving an output variable

Suppose that, in addition to "clocking cb" above,
I add

  clocking cb_ddr @(negedge Clk);
    output Wo, Lo;

My understanding is that the two clockings will,
*on each and every clocking event*, update the
value of Lo with their current <clocking>.Lo,
*even if <clocking>.Lo has not been driven in the
current cycle*.  Furthermore, these updates follow 
the usual last-write-wins semantics for variables.
This is extremely useful behaviour for modelling 
DDR interfaces and various other things, but I 
don't see it unambiguously defined in the LRM.  In
particular, 15.14.2 states

  When the same variable is an output from
  multiple clocking blocks, the last drive 
  determines the value of the variable.

But "drive" has elsewhere been used to describe the
action of depositing a value on a clocking block
variable using the <= operator.  As I indicate
above, this does not appear to be the intended
meaning in 15.14.2.  Here's an attempted re-wording:

  When a variable is an output from more than 
  one clocking block, each of those clocking blocks
  shall update that variable at the clocking's 
  specified output skew time after every occurrence
  of its clocking event.  The most recent such update
  shall determine that variable's value.  [NOTE: This
  most-recent-update behavior is the standard 
  behavior of variables, whether updated by
  a clocking block or by any other means.]

(3) Multiple clocking blocks driving an output net

Given the two example clocking blocks above, how
is wire Wo driven?  The very last paragraph of 15.14.2
seems to apply, but is not clearly worded.  First,
the initial "The" of this paragraph should probably
be deleted.  Second, and more important, it's not
entirely clear that *each* participating clocking
has its own implicit internal variable and 
corresponding driver for the output net.  Even if 
we assume this common-sense interpretation, what 
is the driving strength of that driver?
Finally, the term "register" in this paragraph is
anachronistic and should probably be replaced by

Thanks for your attention
Jonathan Bromley, Consultant

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