Re: [sv-bc] Use before definition

From: Greg Jaxon <>
Date: Tue Mar 15 2011 - 14:38:46 PDT
On 3/13/2011 4:17 AM, Bisht, Laurence S wrote:

Hey Sv-bc,


I wonder about the following:


module foo (blah);


assign blah = 1’b0; // Usage


output blah;

wire blah;  // Definition




Is this code legal?




If the `default_nettype is not "wire" (which is its default), the code should report an error.

The first two lines correspond to a typical "implicit net" style of use.
Whether subsequent explicit declaration is legal does not seem to be discussed in the standard.
Here the declaration looks redundant, and one synthesis tool I tried accepts it with just a
warning - but it also accepted the code when I set `default_nettype triand
which isn't strictly redundant.

Since I can imagine lots of ways for this to come out wrong in a compiler, I'd suggest
(personal opinion only) that implicit nets should not permit any additional explicit property declarations.
This is the sort of consistency issue that lint tools should excel at detecting - whether
production compilers need such checks may be a matter of market preference.

Codes that rely on implicit nets, probably need something stronger than lint to stay out of trouble...
Any pair of close-but-no-cigar spellings might be a missed connection.

Greg Jaxon
Disclaimer: no clues here about voting positions of, nor product features delivered by, my employer...

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