The definition of $ferror in section 17.2.7 of the 1364 LRM is unclear, and may be incorrect or incomplete. The text refers to an error in "the most recent file I/O operation". This appears to be wrong. Like the C ferror() function, $ferror is passed a file descriptor argument. This implies that it returns the most recent error *for that file descriptor*, like ferror() does. If the intent was to return the error for the most recent file I/O operation on any file, there would be no need for such an argument. So the text should be clarified to say "the most recent file I/O operation on the file descriptor fd". However, this does not provide a way to find out the reason for an error in $fopen. If $fopen fails, it returns a null file descriptor. Without a file descriptor, $ferror has no information about what file you want the last error for. In C, you cannot use ferror() to find out the reason for a failure in fopen(). You have to check errno instead. Verilog does not provide this alternate mechanism. Note that 17.2.1 talks about errors in $fopen, and then says that "Applications can call $ferror to determine the cause of the most recent error (see 17.2.7)." This implies that $ferror can be used to find out the cause of a failure in $fopen. This leaves various possible interpretations: 1. The implication in 17.2.1 is incorrect, and you cannot use $ferror to find out the cause of a failure in $fopen. Since there is no alternate mechanism for finding out the cause of the failure, this seems bad. 2. The syntax in 17.2.7 is incorrect, and there is no fd argument to $ferror. $ferror always reports the status of the most recent file I/O operation on any file and there is no mechanism for finding out the status on a particular file descriptor. This may not be bad as long as you always check status immediately after an error, though it does not match C as you would expect. 3. Like interpretation 2, but the syntax is correct and there is a completely useless fd argument to $ferror. This would be stupid. 4. You can use $ferror on a file descriptor to get the most recent file I/O status on that file descriptor. If you pass a null descriptor, it is assumed to have come from a failed $fopen, and the status of the last $fopen (or the last failed $fopen) is returned instead.Received on Thu Mar 16 15:58:03 2006
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