RE: [sv-bc] In-line variable initialization

From: Steven Sharp <sharp_at_.....>
Date: Fri Apr 21 2006 - 17:41:12 PDT
>6.6. says, "Data declared in a static task, function, or block default
>to a static lifetime and a local scope."
>I don't see anywhere in the LRM a hint that there is a difference in
>this between a declaration with and without an initializer.

Sigh.  Looks like you are right.  The requirement for an explicit "static"
with a static variable initializer was removed in one of the SV3.1a
changes.  I expect a lot of confused users, wondering why that assignment
was not executed when the block was entered.

Steven Sharp
Received on Fri Apr 21 17:41:16 2006

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