[sv-bc] Mixing of ANSI style and V995 ports in a single module

From: Rich, Dave <Dave_Rich_at_.....>
Date: Sun Aug 20 2006 - 23:56:36 PDT
It appears that several implementations are supporting the following
style of port declarations based on user requests.



module test (output A, input B, C);

    reg A;

    wire B, C;


    always @*

        A = B & C;




This comes from putting parentheses around the V1995 style input/output
statements . I can understand someone wanting to do this when moving
from V1995 to V2001, but I'm wondering if this would cause a problem in




David Rich
Verification Technologist
Design Verification & Test Division
Mentor Graphics Corporation
Office:   408 487-7206
Cell:     510 589-2625

Received on Sun Aug 20 23:56:48 2006

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